Life Updates winter 2023

So hi hello welcome to the new and improved odd blog. It has been a couple months, sorry to make you guys wait so long. I just wanted to get on here to say what has been going on with me and my life now. As some of you know I recently moved over the summer, still in the Midwest so the weather has not changed which is a good thing for my wardrobe. I still live with my boyfriend and our two cats… and a dog yes a dog. This dog and I have been working hard in training for him to become my service dog.

I know I don’t open up a lot about my mental health on here but this is made for me to scream into the void. This may come as new information but I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety. I have over the past two years been really focusing on my health which is why the posts went down on most of my social media. Lately I have been craving closeness with people who have the same interests as me so hopefully that’ll happen in due time.

Lastly before I say goodbye for now while I get this new blog up and running I got a part time job so it might take a while. Like always I hope the rest of your day is great and I will talk to you all soon.


What’s in my bag? Winter 2023